Do you know about our campaigns commitment to small business?

Small Businesses in Support of Neal Walia for Congress

Off-loading costs for Employee Benefits

Today, our small businesses face the heavy costs required in order to provide their employees and workers with benefits especially when getting off the ground. This is made worse with big businesses receiving preferential policies from insurance companies and beyond. Our campaign believes the cost of healthcare and other vital benefits should be taken off the backs of small businesses and placed on the Federal public budget where it belongs. Instead of prioritizing subsidies and tax cuts to the most powerful corporations, I will fight for public goods that free up costs for small businesses. Allowing these businesses to focus on competing in the industries where they provide services or goods.

Leveling the Playing Field

For millions of families and small business owners, the economy feels rigged. They are hit the hardest and helped the least by what seems to be a collusion between big business and government. American history is filled with moments of big changes led by the universal values of fairness and service. We can accomplish this with a new generation of antitrust legislation and financial regulation that stabilizes prices, bubbles, and predatory market behavior that has led to skyrocketing costs including housing, real estate, and education that burdens both small business owners and their customers alike.

Green growth

Small business owners understand the importance of playing a valuable role and establishing meaningful relationships with their communities. The future is in sustainability. By supporting bold investments in green energy and technologies, a new generation of markets and entrepreneurs will be incentivized to emerge in sectors ranging from electrical engineering and maintenance, artists and entertainment, permaculture, education, financial services, employee owned business and more. I will also work towards legislation to incentivize and support the forming of cooperative ownership models and associations to democratize wealth and promote true free and fair trade.

Strengthening Our Middle and Working Class

Increasing real estate rental prices have hurt small businesses as much as it has hurt working class families. Cities like Denver have been largely taken over by corporate conglomerates that pay poverty wages to offer lower prices. On the flip side, families live paycheck to paycheck and are weighed down with debt. While our response to the pandemic somewhat mitigated this problem, we failed to properly support small businesses and independent contractors. I will fight for working class policies that spur small business growth by betting on inclusive development, eliminating student and medical debts, guaranteeing basic rights, and more effectively connecting consumers to the businesses and entrepreneurs that have their best interests in mind.

If you would like to become a part of our campaigns’s commitment to small business and bring your business to the table, here is what to do: Please submit your business information below to show your support for the small business commitment and this campaign. Together we can champion the needs of local small businesses and build a better federal structure of support for business across the country.